Jun 11, 2020

Top 5 Best HTML Editor for Web Developers

What is HTML Editor?

         HTML (Hyper text markup language ) it the web developing langauge         CSS cascading style sheet it is langauge to give style to the web page        javascript is the language to make validation and user to computer interaction way

The HTML text editor is used to create and editing web pages. With the help of HTML editor or several text editors, we can create a web page or we can give design to a website and we can also modify the web page. There are several useful features in many editors which make ease to write code for web page or websites. features are like spell check, auto language format, the suggestion of tags, highlights, providing syn-taxes, and auto-completion.

we made research and collect top HTML editor which is easy to use full and free to use. They are mentioned below according to their performance.


1. Sublime Text 3


Sublime Text 3 is the latest version of Sublime Text. Developed by Sydney-based company. This software come under freemium category freemium means free to use. Sublime text 3 is used to write code in several language like HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc.

Sublime Text 3 is the latest version of Sublime Text. Developed by Sydney-based company. This software comes under the freemium category freemium means free to use. Sublime text 3 is used to write code in several languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. also, it supports Python API due to which sublime text it becomes most popular in web developers.


 ·       Sublime Text 3 supports Python API that is useful for expands its functionality.

·       Sublime is available in Windows, OS X, and also for Linux.

·       easy to make a change in your web page in the selected areas or whole.



    Sublime Text has a smooth interface and attractive light black background.

Sublime Text 3 is the latest version of Sublime Text. Developed by Sydney-based company. This software come under freemium category freemium means free to use. Sublime text 3 is used to write code in several language like HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc.

Available For: Windows, OS X, Linux.

Click to Download Sublime Text 3.


2. Note Pad ++


Notepad ++ is a free HTML Editor which is made for windows users and Linux user can also use it via Wine.

Notepad ++ is a free HTML Editor which is made for windows users and Linux, users can also use it via Wine.

This software is also available in GitHub. Like other software communities in Notepad++ A third-party plugin is supported.

Notepad ++ is famous among web developers because of its environment simplicity and light to use. There is also its mobile version available.


·      ·       Its interface is simple and light weight and fast.

·       You can customize easily your web page using Notepad++.

Available for Windows and Linux via Wine


Notepad ++ is a free HTML Editor which is made for windows users and Linux user can also use it via Wine.

Smooth and fast to implement and attractive interface.


Available:  Window and Linux (via Wine).

Click Here to Download Notepad++

3. Atom


Atom is a HTML editor which is developed in 2014 become most popular in web developers.  It is free to use and open source code editor. It is developed by GitHub Team .it allows us that flexibility to customize the software itself

Atom is an HTML editor which is developed in 2014 become most popular among web developers.

It is free to use an open-source code editor. It is developed by GitHub Team .it allows us that flexibility to customize the software itself.


·     ·       The Atom Editor is free and open source program and it is available in GitHub.

·       Atom supports Teletype i.e. if you want to collaborate with other developers in real-time.

·       Excellent auto-completion. helps you to write your code faster.


Atom is a HTML editor which is developed in 2014 become most popular in web developers.  It is free to use and open source code editor. It is developed by GitHub Team .it allows us that flexibility to customize the software itself.


Custom background according to yours .and a smart suggestion for writing correct code.

Available: Windows, OS X, and Linux.

Click here to Download ATOM Editor

4. Adobe Dreamweaver CC


Adobe Dreamweaver CC is developed by Tech giant Adobe Inc. Adobe Dreamweaver CC is Pro, Excellent and Versatile tool. Adobe Dreamweaver is available for the macOS and Windows operating systems

Adobe Dreamweaver CC is developed by Tech giant Adobe Inc. Adobe Dreamweaver CC is a Pro, Excellent, and Versatile tool. Adobe Dreamweaver is available for the macOS and Windows operating systems. 

In Adobe Dreamweaver CC we can make both Front end development and Back end development.

Adobe Dreamweaver is the one of the editor which supports both textual and WYSIWYG methods. 


Adobe Dreamweaver CC is developed by Tech giant Adobe Inc. Adobe Dreamweaver CC is Pro, Excellent and Versatile tool. Adobe Dreamweaver is available for the macOS and Windows operating systems.

Adobe Dreamweaver CC is a high-class Premium look with stunning design.


 ·       Adobe Dreamweaver CC allows us to write code in several coding language.

·       Adobe Dreamweaver supports both Textual and WYSIWYG.

·       Completely design with the Adobe ecosystem.



Available for: Windows and OS X.

 Click here to Download Adobe Dreamweaver CC

5. Visual Studio Code


visual studio code is a free html and different language editor .using visual studio code you can customize your web page easily

Visual Studio Code is a multi-code free HTML editor.

It is a free source code editor made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. In Visual Studio Code allow us debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, code refactoring. and embedding Git.


·      ·       Visual Studio Code allow us for syntax highlighting, fast code completion, and AI code suggestion.

·       Quick code-debug cycle, lightfast source editor.

·       Automatically Bracket matching, box selection, snippets and auto-indentation.


visual studio code is a free html and different language editor .using visual studio code you can customize your web page easily

lightweight and fast code implementation and also provide a custom responsive background.

Available for: Windows, Linux, macOS.

Click here to download Visual Studio Code






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